
not to jinx myself...

but dare I say it? It feels like SPRING today! WOOHOO!

I can't even BELIEVE how nice it is outside! We have been just playing and playing. This cabin fever has been horrible, it feels SO GOOD to get some FRESH AIR!

The boys are who-knows-where... probably down in the woods exploring (that's where they usually go when it's nice)... but Kaitlyn and I have been living it up! (and you KNOW I took my camera out too- I always do *just in case*!)

First I dusted off her tricycle. She was so excited to see it again! She kept saying "Hello icicle... I have missed you oh-so-much old friend!" She must have said that a dozen times!

Look at that determination!

She rode...

and rode...

and rode...

When she finally had enough bike riding, it was time to revisit another "old friend": the swingset!

Bear needed to swing too.


And what would our day be without some shameless posing for pictures! (I'm getting her trained well, lol!)


Silly girl!

Then she was ready to go in for a drink... and Bear was VERRRRRY tired and needed a nap! So off we went.

Did you all have nice weather today too? I hope you took advantage of it! :)