
a late morning and two pogo sticks.

I have been meaning to photograph the offending pogo sticks, just haven't gotten around to it. It seems a nasty fall does NOT deter a 10 year old boy! He epitomizes that old saying about if you fall off, just dust yourself off and get right back on.

This morning, school didn't start until 10:30 so the boys had some time on their hands (dangerous, I know). Shockingly enough, instead of fighting they were actually working TOGETHER to come up with something fun to do. It was snowing HARD and Devin got the bright idea to go out and pogo for a while. I remember debating to myself whether I should go ahead and warm the car up for another ER trip, lol.

Turns out this morning was rather uneventful for a change. And I got my chance to take pictures of those darned pogo sticks. *wink* (I wink at my mom... she got them for the boys, lol)

Definitely my kid! (peace)

Look ma, no hands! (as ma panicks!)

the daredevil, actually NOT doing any crazy moves this morning!

I just liked the way he was standing, leaning on his pogo stick, watching his brother. I added some texture to this to TRY and hide the garage junk... didn't work...

And you can clearly see in that last shot why I called them "pogo sticks on steroids"!

And am I even kinda sorta on theme today? My boys do have a love/hate relationship normally so it was NICE to see them getting ALONG and playing! (even though I didn't get any shots of them pogoing at the same time...)