fight club.
The weekends and I have a love/hate relationship. I love spending the extra time with the boys that I don't get during the week. However, I hate how they get when they are together too much. Summertime is even worse. Thank goodness for extracurricular activities, they are going to be a sanity saver again this year!
Today was the usual for them. Either they love each other or they hate each other. Or they love each other and start rough housing until one of them gets hurt and THEN they hate each other. Luckily the "hating" only lasts a few minutes before they forgot what they were mad about and are friends again. Boys. Hmph.
I thought you all might like to see what a typical weekend day is like at our house. Are anyone else's boys like this? Sigh.
(my favorite)
(he was "protecting the princess from the evil troll")
And no, they weren't REALLY fighting. Just playing today. So far no one has been bruised or broken. (knock on wood)
SO.... who is having a nice quiet day alone today? Wanna trade? :p