
garden of weedin'.

I titled my post that because my grandma always had a sign in her garden with that phrase on it, and I always thought it was SO clever! Plus I have had to pull little weeds out of my flower beds EVERY day since it's gotten warm outside! Even though our guy who takes care of the yard has come and sprayed (it did help for a little bit). And I think something is eating my weeping cherry tree- I am going to have to look into getting something to sprinkle or spray on it before all the leaves have holes in them!

Anyway, I digress.

Since I am done with concert photos now (finally- but I am sad to see them go...), I thought I would post a few shots of what's growing in my garden right now.

My coneflowers are getting ready to unfurl their petals and flip themselves inside out... any day now!


a few geranium buds (they are open today!)

a spiky flower my mom bought for me (I can't remember what it was called now!)

the best model I've had all week (he stayed SO still for me, I thought he was dead till the wind blew and he flew away!)

Oh, and check out the sky from last week (I took these from the car as we were driving home from Indy)- we were on the edge of a nasty looking storm and we even drove through a little bit of hail (which J needs to call the insurance company about, it put a few little nicks in our new car's paint! Yikes)

Once we got through it the sky was this though- a perfectly straight line of clouds extending all the way across the sky! I've never seen anything like it!


Crazy Indiana weather!