
baseball season!

Baseball season is upon us! My favorite time of the year! Devin had his first practice game on Monday. They had to suit up in their uniforms and they had real umps and kept score so it FELT like a real game! Our boys did amazing. Devin started out at short stop and NOTHING gets by that kid, he is a black hole out there! He fielded well, got some hits, and even got to PITCH. I couldn't have been more proud of him!

Here he is getting ready for his first at-bat:

Getting his first hit! I love that I got the ball AND the catcher's mitt in the shot!

Here is a series of him pitching:

And I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this shot of him pitching... what a crazy expression, LOL!

I'm definitely NOT a great sports photog but I am sure going to try!