chalkin' it up
Another thing I love about springtime- sidewalk chalk! I know some people don't like having their driveway and sidewalk covered in children's scribbles, but I love it! :) There is just something so FREE about drawing whatever pops into your head and having as huge a canvas as a driveway to express it in!
I wish I was feeling 100% so I could have joined in too... I just keep getting SO dizzy I couldn't kneel down and draw with her. I had to be content to sit in the patio chair and take pictures of the "action". Sigh. Stupid sinus crud.
I'm trying a "lily blue-ish" processing on these... I was going for a more nostalgic feel, what do you think?
(warning: chalk overload ahead!)
(she was telling me how MANY chalks she has!)
(drawing a "snowman")
("writing" her name)
(warning me NOT to touch her chalks!)
(she told me this spelled "A-O-A-O-A: Mommy!")
(thinking maybe she WOULD share her chalk with me after all)
(writing her name again... all "N's" LOL)
(gotta love that chubby little hand!)
(whew- all that "chalking" wore her OUT!)
Tomorrow's project: Bubbles! :)