
how did i get so out of touch?

I got a phone call from my BEST FRIEND from high school last night. I bet I haven't talked to her in over 5 years now. We chatted and caught up on each other for over an hour and a half, it was SO nice! When we hung up, I felt sad to think that we were once inseperable, we knew every minute detail about each other's life, we could finish each other's sentences... and yet now we are totally different people living different lives that we never could have dreamed of or imagined for ourselves. How did that happen? Why is it that it is easier to just NOT call someone than it is to simply pick up the phone once in a while just to say "hi"?

We talked a LOT about God and how He puts us on the paths we need to be on in life. Even though we don't know WHY we are on that particular path, we just plug along and sooner or later it becomes clear where we were going all along. I truly feel that God is bringing two "bff's" back together for a reason. It has mostly been MY fault we haven't kept in touch... my family has moved around all over creation while she has stayed in the same general area we grew up in. But that's no excuse.

It's ironic the timing of her call, I have been feeling so down lately about life, my boys growing up too fast (namely Austin- he's getting armpit hair now for crying out loud!), stresses with Jason's dad passing away in November and Jason's recent health troubles... and it's amazing how one phone conversation can lift me back up to feel that it really IS going to all work out.

It was awesome talking with her again, it felt like no time had passed at all between us. And I am making myself a promise to not take the "easy" road this time and to make a conscious effort to stay in touch with her. A girl needs her girlfriends! :)